What did I say, what did I say? This is how the Chinese are operating, now. First Google, now Apple. I think Dear Leader was meeting with Squirrel Boy to temporarily bury the hatchet so they can formulate a plan on dealing with these nice commun-tard-turned capitalist-pigs.
Fester thinks making nice with China is good business, but apparently somebody didn’t watch The Empire Strikes Back.
Believe me, Microsoft is going to be next. And then, when China makes it move on Taiwan, and we send our ships in – KA-ZAPPPP! – an EMP blast over North America, no electric grid, no internet, no running cars, trucks, trains – it’s back to 1812, and we’re the third world developing nation.
And friggin’ Beck, Limbaugh and O’Reilly will blame it on Obama, but that’s OK, because with no radio, TV, internet, telephone, cable or satellite, no one will be able to hear or see their silly mugs en masse again.