Don’t be fooled, folks. This is retail, not Goodwill.
For a start, it’s got Windows 7, red flag right there. Next, five per store? The first guy inside wanting to buy this deal will be disappointed because he’ll be told they were all snatched up online five seconds after the store opened. The people buying online will have wonderful hoops and obstacles to clear before item is announced as unavailable at this time or sold out.
Then you have to buy and install anti-virus, registering with The Borg’s online verification, crapware, and you wanna do is turn the damn thing on and go surfing.
You love your kid, right? Go to nearest Apple Store or go online. Buy ’em a MacBook,
an iPhone,
and a Nano,
okay? Ain’t the got cash? It’s okay, they finance. Don’t buy from these retail vampires, who clean out your wallet and crush your soul, buy from someone who stands for quality, trust and satisfaction, and lots of gee-whiz magic, and stuff.
And if you’re a freetard, what are doing here? Don’t you people roll your own?
I think Fry’s is open late ’til New Years’, so shoo, don’t bother me with flamefests. We’re all very impressed and are thankful for your contributions to the community. This message is for the OTHER great unwashed, okay, hmmmm?