SJVN posts about how Chrome OS will supplant Windows among the Joe Consumer crowd; the commentards (read Microsoft and Apple fan boys) pile up on him like a sandlot team. But SJVN is right. Chrome OS devices will succeed where other Linuxes failed because they will be appealing to the average consumer the way Microsoft once did. They don’t have to be perfect and the price is right. They’ll just works and that’s good enough. Look at the goddam Flip camera, fer chrissakes! The damn things are flying off shelves like free crack at a rehab palace. And they’re getting better. The supercheap HD versions make my old $599 handheld video camera
look like crap – which it is, come to think of it. Windows in some form will survive but only to support resource hogs like AutoCAD and Photoshop. In fact, eventually, Microsoft will have to build its own machines to run Windows, ‘cos nobody will buy Windows to just run the internet from your device anymore. Soon after this comes to pass, someone will eventually kill Ballmer, and scream, “WAKE UP, PEOPLE!” to the employees, and come up with a version of Internet Explorer that runs like Chrome OS. By that time, it will probably be too late for Microsoft, it will move into another business or will implode upon itself. But don’t weep ‘softie fans – something more stupid, more evil and more single-minded
will rise from the ashes – it happened to AT&T didn’t it?