All Things Digital’s Kara Swisher is all a-twitter. Why? She’ll be attending her very first El Jobso keynote. She just doesn’t know what to do. Kara, let me give you some advice.
- Do not make direct eye contact with Dear Leader. Ever.
- Avert your gaze if Dear Leader elects to favor you with a glance, or a casual chuckle to indicate you know nothing. Because compared to him………you don’t.
- No sudden movements.
- Only speak if spoken to.
- Do not yell out “boom” or “one more thing.”
- Do not wear a black turtle, jeans, and New Balance 993’s.
- Do not carry a Dell laptop into The Event. Or anything with “Vista” on it.
- If Moshe asks for your ID, give it to him. Don’t think twice- he gets nervous quickly.
- Don’t bug Katie. She’ll let you know if it’s OK to speak with her. Requests should be submitted two weeks in advance.
- Use the greeting “Namaste.” It is commonly accompanied by a slight bow made with hands pressed together.
- At the conclusion of The Event, you may leave only once Dear Leader has departed.
- Talking points for your review will be arriving in your in-box at event’s end. Please follow them explicitly…for your protection.
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[…] day Kara Swisher was perplexed as she was going to attend her first-ever Jobso keynote. I offered some helpful advice, and sent the link to her. And I got a response, which is now tucked carefully in my Gmail […]