Latest news in the Tiger Woods bimbo drama is that his tranny friend Rachel Uchitel was going to have a big press conference yesterday but then canceled it, claiming she’s living in fear. Soon as I saw that I knew — that’s Larry’s work for sure. He’s totally old school. I called him last night and he says he says the talks with Tiger went well, and that Tiger agreed to let the “A team” (that’s Bill, Ron, Larry and Eric) start running the show for him. Idea is, the less Tiger knows, the better. Gives him deniability. Larry wants him to cut off all communication with the whores, but he keeps insisting on taking their calls, so Larry is like, fine, but whatever you do, just don’t talk about anything specific. Don’t talk about money. Don’t talk about the dead cat that someone left in her hotel room, or how someone would be able to get into her room or how they would even know where she’s staying.
Tiger doesn’t have to lie because the truth is he has no idea how this is happening. Beauty of it is, neither does Larry. All he knows is that money is going to change hands — that was clear as soon as Gloria Allred convinced Rachel to come to LA and let Gloria do the dirty work for her. Frankly, everyone around Tiger was relieved — at least there’s a professional involved, instead of some crazy slut just running wild. Plus, now it’s about money. That almost makes things easier.
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