Can Ubuntu save Dell?

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Guess who thinks so. Dell’s new Mini 10 will be the first netbook out there with Intel’s new Pine-Trail chip set, ’twill be available with either of three OS’es installed – creeky old XP Homely Edition, Win 7 Retarded Edition and sparkly, sexy, wonderfully easy – no, not Snow Leopard, no Hackintosh, here – Ubuntu 9.1. Best thing about this new chip set – power usage – you should be able to run this baby through its paces for ten hours straight until the batteries need to be re-charged. Interestingly enough, the device that cannot be named runs this long,too, but I can not reveal what it has or does not have inside. Excuse me, I must weeps again at the thought of such beauty and perfection. It is precious to me, I wants it! Filthy Verizon hobbits stoles it from me!  Arrumph !!!  … cough, cough, gollum, gollum !!!

Anyway, back to the new Dell Mini 10.  Overall. not too shabby, especially if you do get the Ubuntu version, in fact, I’d insist on it, if I were you. And gee whiz it comes in sebben pweeddy cuwwers ,

too! Think of it as something to do until the precious arrives …

thanks to andy serkis