We read the blogs, so you don’t have to. From the FSJ News Center: T-Mobile is MIA. Guess which tech CEO grabbed the biggest one-time bonus in the past decade? Fake town surfaces on Google Maps. Hacker breaks into iPhones, then asks for cash. Beatles tunes sold online…does Yoko know about this? Own your own Star Trek shuttle. Layoffs to hit Time Inc. tomorrow. Facelift for MSN.
T-Mobile is in a world of hurt. The natives are restless, and Twitter goes bananas. (CNET News)
Man tries to pay T-Mobile bill online and gets, um, breasts. T-Mobile says this is “not common.” Well, that explains it, then. (Huffington Post)
New MSN logo and page revamp due tonight (Boomtown)
China approves a Disneyland for Shanghai. (Hmmm. And just now, the iPhone goes on sale there. Coincidence, or synergy power-play from El Jobso?) (WSJ)
More on spam than you ever wanted to know. (Time.com)
Newly discovered Safari bug could translate into big iPhone fees. (TechCrunch)
AT&T sues Verizon over ad campaign. (SF Gate)
A review of the Motorola Droid. (Gizmodo)
How can a fake town show up in Google Maps? Good question! (Valleywag)
Hacker breaks into jailbroken iPhones, then asks for money. (CNET News)
Philly gets an Apple Store. Now they need a couple of more W’s in the Series. (Metro International)
The Fab Four are being sold online. And not by iTunes. (Ars Technica)
More on the lads from Liverpool, from Peter Kafka. (All Things Digital)
Yahoo! EVP Ash Patel taking some time off from Big Purple. (Boomtown)
Chrome grabs more market share in October than Firefox. (Business Insider)
NBC cranks up their Olympic website. (There’s an Olympics coming? Who knew?) (TechCrunch)
Dear Leader has done quite well in the last decade. (Business Insider) (CNBC)
Twitter es ahora en Español. (TechCrunch)
Four words. “Beam me up, Scotty.” (Gizmodo) (More here)
Layoffs to hit Time Inc. tomorrow. (Business Insider)
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