We read the blogs, so you don’t have to. From the FSJ News Center: New iTunes release disables Palm Pre sync…again. Scoble tells everyone why he doesn’t use Google Reader. Who’s the world’s most attractive employer? Web pioneer recalls the birth of the Net. Mac browser Camino 2 goes to RC. A Minnesota town has blazing fast Internet speed- how does 50Mbps service over fiber optic cable sound? Mike Arrington is either flaky, a diva, or both, according to Valleywag.
Scoble says Google Reader is slow, and besides, he has 10,000 people to follow on Twitter. (Scobleizer)
Web pioneer recalls the beginnings of the Internet. No, not Al Gore. (CNN Tech)
RC news on Apple’s Camino 2 browser. (TechCrunch)
Tech blogger Gina Trapani says she can make sense of Google Wave. Glad someone can. (Web 2.0 Expo)
U2 and YouTube scored big on Sunday night. (Streaming c/o Akamai, apparently.) (TechCrunch)
The Net sizzles in Monticello, Minnesota. Um, where? (Ars Technica)
“iDon’t Care” creators go on the record. (WSJ)
Guess who the world’s most attractive employer is. Must be the lava lamps. (Universum)
Apple TV 3.0 is “lame and dull,” according to this web site. (Silicon Alley Insider)
Michael Arrington: “The Flakiest Editor in Silicon Valley.” (Valleywag)
New iTunes update disables Palm Pre sync. Like you didn’t expect that. (The iPhone Blog)
Diller says Ask’s future is “speculative.” Has he called Ballmer yet? (All Things Digital)
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