Jeff Jacoby of the Boston Globe, who published this angry screed about Ted Kennedy in which he basically called Kennedy a political hack and insisted Kennedy should resign from the Senate — just two days before Kennedy died. Whoops. In case you’d like to learn more about the biggest dickbreath hack in America, you can see his little bio page here. And you can read some of his other drooling lunatic columns here. In case you want to write to him and thank him for being such a classy, first-rate intellect, that last link contains his email address, but if you’re too lazy to look, it’s Not sure what you’d say to him. Maybe something about how he’s exactly the kind of moronic, mean-spirited right-wing hack that has driven everyone with an IQ above 80 out of the Republican party, and helped put the Democrats in charge of this country. Picking on an old man who’s dying of cancer is one thing. But not bothering to check and see if the guy might be inches from death before you publish an article calling on him to resign? Now that’s just smart. Real smart. Just the kind of careful fact-checking that sets you stalwart old-media guys head and shoulders above those nasty bloggers on the Interwebs. No wonder the Globe is going out of business, and nobody wants to buy it.
UPDATE: I had a hunch, and sure enough, this genius also has sung the praises of Sarah Palin. Not just there, but here. And here. Of course you have, Jeff Jacoby. Of course you have.
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