Classic freetard maneuver today. Red Hat, king of all freetard software makers, put out a statement saying patents are bad and are stifling innovation. (Reprint by Steven J. Vaughan-Cut-and-Paste is here.) Red Hat also filed an amicus brief in some court case where someone is trying to patent a business method.
Says Red Hat:
“Today the patent system is, if anything, a hindrance to open source. Developers face the risk that the original code they have written in good faith could be deemed to infringe an existing software patent.”
Except that:
“Despite the hindrances of the patent system, open source continues to expand at an exponential rate.”
And, um:
“Given the litigation risk, some open source companies, including Red Hat, acquire patents for the sole purpose of asserting them defensively in the event they are faced with a future lawsuit.”
To see a list of Red Hat patents and patent applications, go here and here.
FWIW, note how many of these filings contain the phrase “methods and systems” in the title. Ahem.
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