Cringely flashback

It was June, 2005. We’d just done our deal with Intel, and Cringely boldly stated that this deal was a clear indication that Intel was about to buy Apple. The thing about Cringely is he’s just been doing this for so long and he’s really great at analyzing deals and telling what’s really going on under the surface. Well played, old chap. Here at Apple we love revisiting these old articles. Especially when they end, as this one does, with the sentence, “Remember, you read it here first.” We remember, Cringely. We sure do.

If anyone else has any howlingly wrong Apple stories from the past that you’d like to share, send along the links. Maybe we should invent an award for the best one and name it after Cringely. Or Nick Denton. Ya think? Or maybe that be too mean and ad hominem, as they say in Welsh. Much love to Jim for the Cringely tip.