Check out this brief from the Wall Street Journal which quotes Skype founder Niklas Zennstrom spouting incredible inanities in full-blown corporate bullshitspeak that would make Eric Blair roll over in his grave. Zennstrom says Ebay “overshot in terms of monetization,” which the Journal translates to mean, “eBay overpaid” and which FSJ translates to mean, “I robbed you big-time, frigtards.” Then comes this doozy: “We had to chart the trajectory of growth and how fast that would run, (but) we found out that was a bit front-loaded.” Yeah. Front-loaded. See, they thought they’d be doing a zillion million free phone calls by now, but instead they’re only doing a billion million free phone calls. Key thing when you’re selling free stuff is you gotta have volume. And scale. So you can leverage synergies and distribute empowerment across multiple platforms freeing up resources and effectively achieving economies of scale … (Stop now, Ed.) One last point. WTF with those glasses? Is he a spy or something? A fashion designer? A sales clerk at Barneys New York? Do the glasses come with a special teeny-tiny phone? If not they should. Peace out, Mugatu.
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