Nick Denton, Owen Thomas named to Vanity Fair "New Establishment" List

Big news for Gawker Media prez Nick Denton and his new protege Owen “Mr. Bigglesworth” Thomas (above). They’ve made the Vanity Fair list of people who matter. Not the official list, but the spoof one that the kids in the CN building pass around. They call it the “As If” list, or “the Azzies.” Other recipients: Michael Arrington, Robert Scoble, Mark Cuban and Jason Calacanis. Poor Calacanis actually thought it was a real award and threw some big party for himself. And today he declared on his blog that he is more important than Bill Gates, Alan Greenspan and Martha Stewart. Dude, get a grip. You flogged a piece of shit blog network to AOL for $25 million and scooted out before they realized it’s worthless. This does not make you a Master of the Universe. Sorry. Denton and Thomas, meanwhile, responded by vowing to figure out once and for all who Graydon Carter is.

BTW, I’m thinking we should do our own Azzies award ceremony, perhaps by category. Nominations welcome, especially if they include a reason why this person should receive an Azzie.