Hype roundup

SFGate has what I think must be the best headline so far: “Can iPhone change the way we live?” See here. Lame-ass Scoble tries to cash in on the hype by running some badly made video comparing the iPhone to some non-iPhone from Nokia. Cult of Mac has an item about a now former Apple employee showing off his iPhone at a party. The New York Post takes a classy approach, talking about gobs of come [shurely not?! Ed] as they relate to the iPhone. Engadget does a pointless retrospective about fake iPhones. Gizmodo has a video interview with the surly freak who’s first in line at Fifth Avenue. Someone has posted a photo of the slightly less ugly looking weirdos who are lining up at the Soho store in New York. Go here for one of many stories about the AT&T rate plans, and no bitching you cheap bastards. AppleInsider had a nice piece yesterday about the SWAT teams we had on duty to take delivery of the iPhones when they arrived over the weekend; luckily Katie Cotton got to them before they ran the story and they left out the part about us shooting those two guys on the docks in Los Angeles. Finally some cookbook freak says herethat the iPhone is the greatest thing for cooks since, well, you know.