Happy New Year

This memo is going out to all Apple employees today.

TO: The Apple family
FR: Steve
DATE: Jan. 1, 2007

Dear fellow employees:

Today, on the first day of the new year, I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for doing such a tremendous job at Apple. Together we have made this a truly great company. I hope you are proud of what we have accomplished. I know I am.

Now it is time to ring out the old and ring in the new. The quote-unquote “options scandal” has been put behind us, and we can get back to focusing on the important things. Like making great new products, building on our success and gaining even more market momentum.

I’m especially proud of our top-notch management team. Our experienced leaders are doing a great job. For this reason I feel no sadness or bitterness or vindictiveness, nor any urge to disembowel anyone or hang anyone by their feet and put their head into a burlap sack with a Vietnamese water rat when I tell you that as of today I will be stepping aside from my day-to-day role at Apple.

The past decade has been the best time of my life. I’ve accomplished everything I hoped to accomplish, and more.

What’s next for El Jobso? Well, let me just say this: I begin this new year with a greater sense of excitement and childlike wonder than I have ever felt before.

Cheers and best wishes,
